Mental Health Resource Institutes
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAMHSA provides information on mental health services and treatment centers through a service locator.
Mental Health Resource Institutes
National Institute of Mental Health
This website provides easy-to read guides and brochures to help better understand a variety of mental health disorders.
Mental Health Resource Institutes
National Alliance on Mental Health
Find resources for youth, including information on managing your mental health in college and making friends.
Mental Health Resource Institutes
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
This resource center includes videos, ways to get help, and advocacy campaigns.
Apps and Tech Services
Mindfulness for Teens
This website has resources to help teens use mindfulness to handle stress and includes apps to practice meditation and guided mediation recordings.
Apps and Tech Services
This website reflects the lived experience of mental health conditions, including research-based modules with hours of recording and analysis.
Apps and Tech Services, Mental Health Online Resources
Beacon 2.0
Beacon is a portal to online applications (websites, mobile applications and internet support groups) for mental disorders reviewed and rated by health experts.
Mental Health Online Resources
Teen Mental Health
Geared towards teenagers, this website provides learning tools on a variety of mental illnesses, videos, and resources for friends.
Mental Health Online Resources
Teens Health
Providing a safe place for teens who need honest and accurate information, this website provides resources on mental health issues.
Mental Health Online Resources
Reach Out
This website provides information on specific mental health disorders, as well as resources to help teens make safe plans when feeling suicidal, and helpful tips on how to relax.